Oct 25, 2009

November Message

As the adage goes, "many hands make light work". That is right! We need salesperson, help in the kitchen and clean up help. 

Our School of Instruction is early this year. The officers are working hard too, with their part. Remember the School is for everyone; come and support your Chapter officers.

Sisters and Brothers, if you know of anyone who needs a card to cheer them, let Charlotte Campbell know. She can only do her job if she has been made aware of the need. If you can't get a hold of her, call the Worthy Matron.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Helen and Lawrence
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Oct 18, 2009

Christmas Bazaar

The Christmas Bazaar is November 7th from 9 AM to 3 PM with lunch served from 11 AM to 2 PM (or whenever the food runs out).  We have assignments for who's working where, but if you want to come by and relieve people at the craft and baked goods tables, feel free.  It will be lots of fun, and I hope everyone can come out and buy stuff.

Also, please note that drop off for the Bazaar will be Friday, November 6th in the afternoon.  I am not clear on the time right now, but when I am, I will post again.
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Our Installation will be on October 26th at 7:30 PM.

This is open to the public and anyone who is interested in coming should come and see what Martha Washington is all about.
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Oct 4, 2009

New Feature!

Attention everyone!

I've now added an email option to this blog.  You can now enter your email address into the box to the right and get the updates sent directly to your email inbox.

NOTE: This email list is NOT managed by me.  It is from Blogger/Blogspot/Google (the host and software for this blog).  There will be an unsubscribe link in each email message from the blog if you wish to quit receiving the messages.

I'm excited about this.  In addition to RSS, this is another way to get the word out on new things happening in our Chapter.  If you have feedback, feel free to shoot me an email (rpgirl1981[at]gmail[dot]com).
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