Aug 20, 2013

Albert Pike's 33rd Degree Ritual

From the National Heritage Museum website:
Albert Pike (1809-1891), Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction from 1859 to 1891, revised all of the Scottish Rite degree rituals, including the 33°, during his tenure. A handsomely bound book, containing Pike's reworked version of the 33°, was presented to the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (NMJ) in 1870. This manuscript version of Pike's 33° ritual is currently on view in the Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives reading room exhibition, Secret Scripts: Masonic and Fraternal Ritual Books, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library.
This ritual is from 1870 and was his 33rd degree ritual.

Aug 17, 2013

Calendar For the Rest of the Year

August 12th 7:30 pm regular
August 26th 5:30 pm picnic
September 9th 7:30pm regular and memorial
September 16th Nacho and Burrito dinner 11am to 6pm
September 23rd Harvest dinner
October (Tuesday) 1st 7:30pm Annual Meeting and election of officers
October 8th through 10th Grand Chapter
October 21st installation of Officers 7pm
Nov. 11th regular meeting 7:30pm
Nov 16th (Saturday) 9am to 3pm Christmas Bazaar
November School of instruction date to be announced

December 9th 5:30pm Christmas Pot luck and regular meeting

Aug 16, 2013

Message From the West Summer/Fall Newsletter 2013

Hello Members: 
I hope you will take note of the changes in the calendar . The Nacho and Burrito dinners are now on Mondays, we had a lot of competition on Fridays, so we are trying Mondays. We will be calling for helpers, you do not have to work all day but a few hours in the morning or afternoon would help greatly. Our big fundraiser the Harvest Dinner will be on September 23rd. this is a big dinner and takes a lot of hands to make it happen. When you are called please come and help if only for a few hours, many hands make the work easier for all. Plan on coming to eat and encourage your friends to come and eat, this is open to the public.
I am including the calendar though December, so everyone will know what is coming up. We are planning a Christmas Bazaar in November and a Yard Sale in the early spring. These will take place on a Saturday with set up on the Friday night before.
Secretary Desk: The dues notices are coming out. This is a reminder to all Life Members. The rules of Grand Chapter have changed and life members are now required to pay per capita tax, insurance and international dues. You received a letter from Grand Chapter in your dues notice last year. We cannot send you, your dues card until we receive payment. Thank you for your understanding.

Sickness and Distress: we have lost some more members, Lola Knight and Glen Buck, two very active members. We know their families will miss them and we will also. Jean Thompson and Velma Julson have moved to Masonic Pathways in Alma. I know there are members who have had the flu and summer colds, we hope you are all doing better. Please let our sunshine person Brigitte Meyer know of any illness. Worthy Matron Bernie is doing much better after all of her surgeries but still needs to take it easy. 

Aug 15, 2013

New Book for Masonic History Buffs

Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library: A New Book! A Sublime Brotherhood

From the National Heritage Museum website:
In honor of the Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction's 200th anniversary the Supreme Council has published a new history book called A Sublime Brotherhood: Two Hundred Years of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. The much anticipated volume is now available for purchase. The 200-page lavishly illustrated work traces the history of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction from 1813 to the present.

Message from the East Summer/Fall Newsletter

Greetings Sisters and Brothers:

It really has been a nice summer so far.  Hot and some rain. We hope everyone is enjoying themselves. We have had an enjoyable summer so far.  I would like to update the members who have not been able to join us.  In June we honored the Life Members, Past Matrons and Patrons with a spaghetti dinner.   I was under the weather, AM Elizabeth filled in for me. She did a great job, thank you Liz.  July we had a card party, it was very hot that day but everyone had a good time and great food.  In July we also initiated a new member Nancy French, welcome Nancy.

In August our regular meeting is on August 12 th at 7:30pm and our picnic will be on August 26th starting at 5:30 pm.  Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. The meat,
coffee and lemonade will be provided.  You may bring whatever other beverage you wish to drink.  The picnic will be at the Saginaw Masonic Center on Center road. Weather permitting we will be under the pavilion.  This picnic is a good time to invite someone that might be interested in joining Eastern Stars. Spouses are also welcome.

We have some important dates coming up, September 9th regular meeting and memorial, September 16th Nacho and Burrito dinner, September 23rd the Harvest dinner. Please come and help if you can and certainly come and eat.

We have lost some members over the spring and summer, our prayers and sympathy goes out to their families. They will be missed in the chapter room.  We hope everyone is doing well and if not is on the road to recovery.

See you in Chapter, Bernie McSweyn, WM

Aug 5, 2013

It's NMJ's 200th Birthday!!

Today is the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.

This is a great piece of interesting history; check out the full article at the National Heritage Museum blog article!