This is coming up on Saturday. Take a read and post it around!
Sep 28, 2011
Sep 25, 2011
Harvest Dinner Workers!
Here we all are working hard. Well, some were taken during lunch, but the others show us working really hard on cleaning turkeys for the Harvest Dinner, which is Monday, September 26th. We're serving from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm or til the food runs out. Price is $8 and includes everthing from your turkey and trimmings to pie and beverage.
It's a great fund raiser for Martha Washington Chapter. Come out and support the Chapter and enjoy a turkey dinner!
Sep 20, 2011
Harvest Dinner
Martha Washington, 113 O.E.S.
Turkey and Trimmings
September 26, 2011
Serving 4:30- 6:30 PM
Adults $8.00 Children under 12 $3:00
Saginaw Masonic Center
2655 N Center Road, Saginaw
Sep 1, 2011
National Heritage Museum: Rare "Ast Ritual" Given to Library
This is quite an interesting article from the National Heritage Museum's blog. They have lots of historical and Masonic articles. Take a look.
This is about a ritual that was given to the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library.
September Message
- September 12th- Stated meeting- Annual Memorial 7:30PM
- September 24th- Preparation Harvest Dinner 9:00AM
- September 26th - Harvest Dinner 4:30-6:30 PM
- October 3rd- Annual Meeting 7:30 PM
Friendship is a priceless gift
that can’t be bought or sold,
And to have an understanding friend
is worth far more than gold…
And the golden chain of friendship
is a strong and blessed tie
Binding kindred hearts together
As the years go passing by.
Your Worthy Patron and I hope that you have had a most enjoyable summer. Welcome back to chapter. It is a real pleasure to greet you. The green leaves of summer tinged with gold as September links summer with fall. Most vacations are over and students prepare for roll call. We hope you are rested and are ready for the fall activities.
We will hold our annual Memorial service at our stated meeting on September 12th. The female officers please wear white formals. Our golden chain has once again been broken. We are sadden to report the following deaths this summer, Brother Darwin Mixer and Sister Elizabeth Skrelunas. Please remember their love ones and keep them in your prayers.
Our annual Harvest dinner will be on September 26th. We will be taking donations toward the expense of the dinner. We will need help in preparing the dinner on September 24th and 26 th. Please if you can work a couple hours on either day it will be greatly appreciated. More hands make light work. We have sit down jobs, so you don’t have stand all day. Please call the Worthy Matron or Associate Matron if you can help or would like to donate.
Heart of the Mitten Association are collecting and donating teddy bears to local emergency response agencies. They are supporting the General Grand Chapter’s committee on Service dog. Encourage participation in and provide resources to register with Michigan Organ donor database. Our chapter will be collecting Teddy Bears September and October regular meetings. You also can bring your bears to the Harvest Dinner.
We also will be assisting the Association with a Spaghetti Dinner, Pie /cake auction and a silent Auction on October 1st at Faith United Methodist Fellowship Hall in Coleman. We will give more details in our October Newsletter. This is one of the fundraiser for the Association.
Please mark this on your calendar and support your Association.
Zenobia friend’s night will be on September 28th at 7:30 PM. Please contact your Worthy Matron if you would like to attend.
Charlotte Campbell, who is our sunshine committee is now in Wisconsin for a few months. Her son Brian has been ordained and now will being serving as Pastor for two churches in Wisconsin. So during her absence, our secretary Liz Hussey has been sending out cards. Please let her know of any sickness and distress. You also can let your Worthy Matron know. Clara Brown recently had surgery. Sister Alvina Minor fell and broke her hip. Please remember these sisters with cards.