Dec 27, 2011

National Heritage Museum: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

This is a brilliant article about how the National Heritage museum is digitizing their photographic archives. Please click the link below the picture to see what it's all about.

Dec 6, 2011

National Heritage Museum: Lounging in Masonic Style


Wow, this is quite interesting!

The things the National Heritage Museum blog posts about!

Do read the short article that's linked under the picture.

Oct 28, 2011

National Heritage Museum: Exhibition Curator to Trace the Fashionable Roots of Masonic Regalia, 10/29


Check out the link below the picture for more information about an exhibit the National Heritage Museum. Apparently there's a forum at the Museum tomorrow afternoon at 2pm. I won't be able to be there, but if you're in the area, do check it out.

This is also a great opportunity to post a picture of an awesome Masonic uniform!

Sep 28, 2011

Heart of the Mitten Fund Raiser

Dinner_Flyer.pdf Download this file
Press_release_-_fundraiser_dinner_and_auction.pdf Download this file

This is coming up on Saturday.  Take a read and post it around!

Sep 25, 2011

Harvest Dinner Workers!

All of these photos were taken on Saturday, September 24th.

Here we all are working hard.  Well, some were taken during lunch, but the others show us working really hard on cleaning turkeys for the Harvest Dinner, which is Monday, September 26th.  We're serving from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm or til the food runs out.  Price is $8 and includes everthing from your turkey and trimmings to pie and beverage.

It's a great fund raiser for Martha Washington Chapter.  Come out and support the Chapter and enjoy a turkey dinner!

Sep 20, 2011

Harvest Dinner

Martha Washington, 113 O.E.S.


Turkey and Trimmings

September 26, 2011

Serving 4:30- 6:30 PM

Adults $8.00 Children under 12 $3:00

Saginaw Masonic Center

2655 N Center Road, Saginaw


Sep 1, 2011

National Heritage Museum: Rare "Ast Ritual" Given to Library


This is quite an interesting article from the National Heritage Museum's blog. They have lots of historical and Masonic articles. Take a look.

This is about a ritual that was given to the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library.

September Message

  • September 12th- Stated meeting- Annual Memorial 7:30PM
  • September 24th- Preparation Harvest Dinner 9:00AM
  • September 26th - Harvest Dinner 4:30-6:30 PM
  • October 3rd- Annual Meeting 7:30 PM

Friendship is a priceless gift

that can’t be bought or sold,

And to have an understanding friend

is worth far more than gold…

And the golden chain of friendship

is a strong and blessed tie

Binding kindred hearts together

As the years go passing by.

Your Worthy Patron and I hope that you have had a most enjoyable summer. Welcome back to chapter. It is a real pleasure to greet you. The green leaves of summer tinged with gold as September links summer with fall. Most vacations are over and students prepare for roll call. We hope you are rested and are ready for the fall activities.

We will hold our annual Memorial service at our stated meeting on September 12th. The female officers please wear white formals. Our golden chain has once again been broken. We are sadden to report the following deaths this summer, Brother Darwin Mixer and Sister Elizabeth Skrelunas. Please remember their love ones and keep them in your prayers.

Our annual Harvest dinner will be on September 26th. We will be taking donations toward the expense of the dinner. We will need help in preparing the dinner on September 24th and 26 th. Please if you can work a couple hours on either day it will be greatly appreciated. More hands make light work. We have sit down jobs, so you don’t have stand all day. Please call the Worthy Matron or Associate Matron if you can help or would like to donate.

Heart of the Mitten Association are collecting and donating teddy bears to local emergency response agencies. They are supporting the General Grand Chapter’s committee on Service dog. Encourage participation in and provide resources to register with Michigan Organ donor database. Our chapter will be collecting Teddy Bears September and October regular meetings. You also can bring your bears to the Harvest Dinner.

We also will be assisting the Association with a Spaghetti Dinner, Pie /cake auction and a silent Auction on October 1st at Faith United Methodist Fellowship Hall in Coleman. We will give more details in our October Newsletter. This is one of the fundraiser for the Association.

Please mark this on your calendar and support your Association.

Zenobia friend’s night will be on September 28th at 7:30 PM. Please contact your Worthy Matron if you would like to attend.

Charlotte Campbell, who is our sunshine committee is now in Wisconsin for a few months. Her son Brian has been ordained and now will being serving as Pastor for two churches in Wisconsin. So during her absence, our secretary Liz Hussey has been sending out cards. Please let her know of any sickness and distress. You also can let your Worthy Matron know. Clara Brown recently had surgery. Sister Alvina Minor fell and broke her hip. Please remember these sisters with cards.

Aug 27, 2011

Pictures from the Picnic!

Here are the pictures from our picnic last week.
If anyone has more that you want shared, please email them to the chapter email address and they'll get posted!

Aug 21, 2011


The summer picnic will be tomorrow night at 6 PM, at the Saginaw Masonic Center.  If you are planning to come, please tell our Worthy Matron.

Also, don't forget to bring something that serves between eight and ten people.

Jul 4, 2011


Added a Calendar page so you can go directly to the calendar on the Posterous site!

Cool, huh?

Jul 2, 2011

Grand Chapter Golf Scramble

The Grand Chapter of Michigan Summer Golf Scramble is coming up.

It is Saturday, July 16th 2011 at the Kimberly Oakes Golf Club in St. Charles, MI.

They need golf teans and workers.  To voulenteer or play, call Fred Eakin PGP at 810.639.5137 or Vikki White at 517.930.1719.

The entry fee includs 18 holes with cart and the driving range as well as lunch, which is hot dogs at the 9th hole and a chicken dinner afterwards.

There will be great prizes, beverages, and different games at different holes.

Come out and have fun with all your chapter friends!

Jun 9, 2011

June Message


  • June 13th-  Stated meeting 7:30 PM- Honoring Father’s and Masons
  • June 26th- Rehearsal 4 PM
  • June 27th- Special- Initiation 7:30PM
  • August 22nd- Indoor picnic- 6:00 PM- Masonic Temple


What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,

The majesty of a tree,

The warmth of a summer sun,

The calm of a quiet sea,

The generous soul of nature,

The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages,

The power of the eagle's flight,

The joy of a morning in spring,

The faith of a mustard seed,

The patience of eternity,

The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities,

When there was nothing more to add,

He knew His masterpiece was complete,

And so, He called it ... Dad

Author Unknown

I would like to thank everyone, who assisted with Michigan and Ohio night. Making of flowers and cookies, decorating and setting up for the event and for the dishwashers.  It was a enjoyable evening and well attended. 

Fathers and Masons will be honored at our stated meeting. We thank our brothers for their continue support to our Chapter.

We will have a Special meeting on June 27th- initiation. Please come out and support our officers. 

We will be dark in July and August. Other chapters will be having meetings in the summer and receptions. These dates will be provided in our next newsletter.  We will have indoor picnic at the Masonic Temple on August 22nd.  Meat and drinks will be provided. Bring a dish to pass and dishes. 

Sickness and Distress

We were sadden by the death of Florence Adair, PMWGM

Our golden chain has been broken by the death of our sisters Bobbie Dunning PM, Helen Burtch, PM and brother Fred Whitmore.  Please keep their families in our prayers.

Following members have been sick- Charlotte Campbell and Sally Huebler.  Jackie Boettcher and Sharon Pequignot progressing well and will soon be back to Chapter. 

We would like to congratulate Brian Campbell, son of Charlotte and Bob Campbell and my nephew, who graduated from seminary school.

Have a very enjoyable summer. We will see you in the fall.


May 17, 2011


I'm moving the blog to Posterous because it's easier for me to manage.  I have my personal blog through it, and I find it so much easier to deal with.

I will be importing posts over here for people who are still subscribed via email, but I'd prefer if you'd subscribe over at the posterous blog. is the new address.

Mar 7, 2011

March Masonic News Message

March 11- Set up Cabin Fever Indoor Yard Sale
March 12- Cabin Fever Indoor Yard Sale 9 AM-3PM
March 14- Stated Meeting 7:30PM
March 28- Friends Night 7:30 PM

Sisters and brothers, I would like to thank you for attending our Pampered Chef Party or placing a order to help raise money for Worthy Grand Matron’s project: Alzheimer’s. If you were unable to attend, please consider writing a check to Grand Chapter and help us STOMP OUT ALZHEIMERS.

Remember to support our Cabin Fever Indoor Yard Sale. Start gathering your donations. Please call your Worthy Matron if you need us to pick up your donation.

Friends Night will be a fun night. Martha Washington’s Players will be performing a skit. Casual dress, come and relax and have a few laughs. Come out and see what you are missing and why you joined Stars.

We have been saddened by the passing of our sisters-Marion Mulholland, Eleanor Lake, Dorothy Patterson, Ruth Smith, Dawn Spindler and brother Richard
Parsons. Our sympathy goes out to the families.

Come to our stated meetings and see what Marge has been planning for us. Always a good surprise and enjoyed by all.


Feb 3, 2011

February Message, 2011

I would like to think everyone, who helped on January 17th and 18th.  Your help was greatly appreciated.

We are having a fund raiser for our Worthy Grand Matron’s project- Alzheimer.  We will be having a Pampered Chef Cooking Show at 7: 00 PM at the Masonic Center.  Please RSVP Worthy Matron by January 28th.  If you are unable to attend the party please send in a donation.  So many people have been touched by this disease.

Please come out and support your officers on February 28th. We will be having our first initiation.

Mark your calendar for the Indoor yard sale-Cabin fever on March 12th. We will be taking donations.

More details next month.

Carol and Bill