Jan 13, 2010

Practice and Initiation

On January 18th, we have a practice for the Initiation that is on January 25th.

The practice is at 7 PM.  There is no special dress.  Please bring your ritual.  It would behoove the officers if they would come and practice.  Memory work is your own, but it is useful to have people to work with when you're trying to memorize the floor-work.

The initiation is January 25th at 7:30 PM.  White for officers is required, as this is the initiatory work.  Let's make this a great introduction to the new members we are initiating!
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Jan 2, 2010

Blog Maintenance


There's been some blog maintenance going on.  Somehow the calendar application I was using got discontinued from Google, so I had to grab the HTML off of the Google calendar and embed it in the sidebar.

Sorry for anyone who's been trying to access the calendar from the blog and can't because of this issue.  I'm not sure when it started happening, so I don't know how long it was this way.

Again, I apologize.

If anyone sees something amiss with the widgets on the blog, feel free to contact me directly at the email listed in the About section.

Thank you for your patience.
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January Message

Happy New Year to one and all!  We can hope and pray for many things to happen and problems to be solved.  We all know only about 1% will be resolved but we should be thankful for any small amount.

We look to the future.  It is cold; the driving is bad; it snows a lot; it is windy and you might catch a cold or the flu.  Take care.  Good luck to the Shrine Circus.  Many of our good workers are helping the Nile prepare and serve food for the Shriners who work the circus.  They work for a good cause too.

We have lost two members: Helen Bledsdoe, who was soloist for Martha for many years; and Shirley Rigg, a 64-year member.  A memorial service was held for sister Shirley just before the funeral service.  Our sympathy goes out to the families.

Best Wishes for the New Year!

Helen and Lawrence
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