Our School of Instruction went well under the leadership of the Grand Conductress Nancy A. Martin. My officers did the excellent work. A BIG thank you to all who attended.
December is a joyful and busy month. To start, we will be doing the installation dinner for Saginaw Lodge #77 on December 8th. Our congratulations to Brother John Carstensen as he assumes the leadership of the Lodge.
Our trip to the Masonic Pathway is planned for December 16th. We will car pool this trip, leaving the Saginaw Masonic Center at 1:30. We will visit our five members and two adopted freinds who reside at the home and any others we may know. If any blue Lodge brothers wish to join us as there are a few you may like to visit. So just join us on this trip to see those unable to make our meetings.
Yes it is December, this is the BIG SHOPPING month. As you run around from store to store remember the Red Kettles, Toys for Tots and others who need help to see that the needy also have a good Christmas. Yes, I shop because my head tells me that is what I am supposed to do this time of year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Helen and Lawrence